Saturday, February 25, 2006

Indy is...

I was going through old files on the computer and found this lot. I can't remember the website that gave me these, but it essentially searches your name and returns comments from websites.

indy is daunting security challenge
Well, who isn't?

indy is still indy
But of course I'm still me!

It even answers it's own questions:
indy is where?
indy is relaxing in coach

I’m not sure I want to know what this one means
indy is het afstudeerproject van johan langenbick

indy is vital for f1
If only that meant I could do something about it…

I think people are getting me and Archie mixed up again…
indy is an engaging intelligent hero who fights for good against powerful and evil forces
indy is on a quest
indy is in the map room looking at his book preparing for my search, presumably.
indy is back
indy is searching for a lost water stone which is believed to be a missing link in the search
indy is of course on a dig for any priceless artifacts that just happen to be buried around the decidedly deserted environment
indy is on a search for a lost civilization of celtic druids
indy is fighting the same villain for the same crucifix
indy is confronted by a man wielding a scimitar
indy is running away from the havitos
indy is told if he is discovered he will be killed
indy is thinking about cutting the bridge
indy is tougher than ever in this heart

indy is easy
indy is cheaper and
indy is a very nice car to drive in that its seating position is unlike any other

indy is a program that lets you search a database of wood magazine articles and then it shows you the results pictorially
I’m what?

indy is a very handsome and elegant boy
indy is pretty darn special
indy is where it's at
Aw shucks

How poetic:
indy is there
indy is
indy is a total celebration of summer

Quote of the Day...

Another one from To Have and Have Not.

[Slim kisses Steve]

Steve: What did you do that for?
Slim: I've been wondering if I'd like it.
Steve: What's the decision?
Slim: I don't know yet.
[They kiss again]
Slim: It's even better when you help.

Friday, February 24, 2006

When will people learn?

Scottish Man Jailed Over Very Expensive, Rather Dumb Joke
It doesn't tickle OUR funny-bone, but it apparently seemed humorous to a Scottish businessman at the time. He told a flight attendant on a trip from Inverness to Luton that he had a bomb in his carry-on bag.
The flight was still on the ground -- and it stayed there, as emergency workers geared up for what they could only see as a major threat. Three police units, an armed response vehicle, a fire truck, and three ambulances rushed to the Easyjet 737 as it idled on the tarmac.
Meanwhile, the passenger -- 41-year old Peter Aldred -- fell asleep. The Scotsman reports that when Aldred woke up, he was looking at two armed law officers who'd boarded the plane to arrest him.
The flight was evacuated and searched. Aldred's bag was X-rayed. It contained nothing more threatening than a couple of stuffed animal toys and some candy.
The cost of the whole episode: EasyJet pegs it at about 25,000 pounds... more than $43,000.
Tuesday, Aldred was sentenced to two months behind bars. A spokeswoman for EasyJet says the company is happy with Aldred's sentence. Hopefully, she said... this will serve as a warning to other not-so-funny jokesters.
