Thursday, October 04, 2007

Post frenzy!

Several new posts tonight of varying levels of intelligence. It's been a while, I know, but I do care, really!


Cool or insane?

And people say I have too much time on my hands.

Too funny not to blog...

I'm going to be in trouble for posting this one, but if you have seen Clue! you should get the reference. The name of the person concerned has been omitted to prevent total embarrassment.

Had a "Can somebody help me -- please" moment just now.

Was coming back into the office with a cup of coffee in one hand and a cup of water in the other when my crochet (holey) waistcoat caught on the doorhandle - self-closing door, so there I was, trapped inside the office with my waistcoat hitched on the door handle outside!

Naturally, no one was about (thank goodness!) Just had to drop the water and disentangle myself!

From the Weirdshitorium

Whilst in Katoomba in the Blue Mountains, I found a little tea shop called "The Paragon". Most readers will immediately know why it caught our attention.

Anyway, I was reading another book today, and this time around I noted the name of a tea shop used - The Paragon. In the thanks at the end of the book, the fictional location is based on the one in Katoomba.

A random link between my two favourite series, via a random real-life location half way around the world.