Wednesday, December 06, 2006

From the Front Line - WIP (Mausoleum)

Some shots of the mausoleum I am in the middle of building. Or temple, depending on how it turns out.


The six marine honour guard statues will be regular scale tactical marines, one on each pillar. However, the plan is to have them removable so that I can alternatively add a roof.

I still need to find a model to sit on the tomb itself. Perhaps a praying angel, but I haven't found one yet.



Finally, this shot shows how it comes apart for storage. If you flip one half upside down, it slots into the other half. Both will then fit into one of the A4-size cardboard boxes.


There's still a lot to do - I need to add a flagstone floor, more carved detail on the pillars and the whole thing needs to be textured before painting.


  1. That's beautiful. Your models are fantastic, Indy.

  2. very smart to have made it in two parts. I admire the sharpness and the very straight cuts of the thing. seems so easy when it's presented like that, but i'm sure it would make me sweat and swear to try to do the same.

    very very good job, mr lead.

  3. This might be a dumb question, but... what do you do with it when it's done? Will it be a battlefield?

  4. Thanks for the comments.

    Nadine, it's not so accurate when you look up close ;)

    And yes, Ata, it will form part of the battle field. It would make a great objective, for instance - the Dark Angels trying to recover a relic from a long-dead hero for instance, entombed and revered by the local population maybe.

  5. Isn't the idea of gaming to keep you little men alive? Building a mausoleum may somwhat dampen their spirits and moral...

  6. Not necessarily.

    Although the mission is important, a heroic and glorious death is the preferred end for an Adeptus Astartes.

    Better than skulking in a wood like that so-called-heroic Grey Knight last night. Meh.
