Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Unanswered questions

1) Where is Jess's blog?

2) Why can I not add a live book mark to Myo's blog?

3) How can I arrange additional coupon testing of honeycomb?

4) Do I need to get a life?

5) Where the hell is Newcastle (AUS) anyway?


  1. 1. Ask Jess

    2. She doesn't have RSS enabled apparently because I can't get the feed either...

    3. Can't help you there...

    4. It's a possibility...

    5. Somewhere just a above Sydney on the map...

  2. 1. jessibotic

    2. c

    3. Sew the green tuna.

    4. No. If *you* need a life, then so do *I*.

    5. d

  3. But you've left comments on it before... I'm positive.

    4) What Emano said.

    5) 3ish hours out of Sydney.

  4. Ah, but Jess, I lost all my book marks whenthe computer went in for repair, so have not been able to find it!

    3 hours which way?

  5. Newcastle is only one and a half hours from Sydney. Three hours would take you past Buladelah to Coolongolook. (And if you care to drive another two hours north you could visit my farm.)

  6. Newcastle is 45 mins from my house! I can't believe you blogged it and didn't ask me!
