Saturday, December 31, 2005

A look back...

Well, 2005 has been a hell of a year in several unexpected ways.

The year started pretty low, with the hyperthyroidism being diagnosed among other things.

However, over the course of the year that was fixed (even if I did end up glowing in the dark for a couple of weeks)! Well, I say fixed…I’m still not in the clear yet, but I am feeling a whole lot better.

Work-wise things have been as busy as ever. The promotion and (more importantly!) a pay rise at my last review was a welcome step up in the right direction. Work remains hectic, and I was pleased to finally get a couple of pieces of work off my desk by the end of it. I will wince at the mention of honeycomb for some time to come! The travelling for work was a little less hectic this year, for which I was relieved. The novelty was beginning to wear off and I value my sleep more than ever.

Meeting the Hobblings in London, Devon and Paris was great fun as always. Being able to put faces to names is great. I hope we can do the same again soon.

Having these friends meant a great deal to me at that point when I was feeling pretty low. Thanks guys, I love you all.

I know some of you have had a tough time of it this year. I’m glad that things have, on the whole, worked out for them at the end, despite what has happened.

The house move happened finally (having been on the market since September 2004). I settled in at the new house very quickly, which boded very well. Living ten minutes from work has really helped to de-stress me! Having been here for four months I am now settled in. I didn’t have anything much to fix up here, so it has been very easy for me. The garden is still a bit of a mess, but that is top of the list for New Year.

So, to 2005 I say so long, and can greet 2006 with a smile.

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