Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Childhood stories

I finally received my copy of Anne Mason's The Stolen Law today. It's the sequel to The Dancing Meteorite, a sci-fi story that I read as a teenager and loved.

This got me thinking, having read both books, I can't put my finger on what it was that stood out so strongly in my mind from all those years ago.

I remember picking the book up in my local library, and from that point on I would re-read it about once a year, or if there were no other books I could find and needed to make up my allocation.

At that point, with no internet I was unable to find anything else about the author's other books.

Then, recently I was thinking about the Dancing Meteorite and thought I would look it up. Although out of print, I was able to easily obtain a copy second hand via Amazon. And, whilst searching, found that there was a sequel. This I had to obtain from the US (an ex-library copy, ironically).

It's funny that as such an avid reader of books throughout my childhood and teens that this and a few others mean so much to me.

In addition to these, I remember The Original Velveteen Rabbit, which a friend of mine gave me as a present a few years back, Gumdrop, the Austin Clifton Heavy 12-4 car on various adventures, and Return of the Gloop, which was the first book I bought through a school book sale thing (and still have!).

1 comment:

  1. One of my childhood book stories was "So Stories" by R. Kippling. And i still have it too. ;)
