Hello, old friend.
Welcome to Pigs Might Fly. A collection of quotes, song lyrics, musings and comments that catch my eye, tickle my fancy or otherwise have some meaning. So sit back, grab a glass of wine, and enjoy.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Nervous? Moi?
Suddenly, from behind you you hear "meow".
Not good for the nerves.
Blasted Microsoft Office Assistants ...
Friday, March 16, 2007
From the Front Line - report
I tried putting into plan what we discussed, using only a rhino and a razorback. Take and Hold mission, with more cover than we had at Conflict. One combat squad (with missile launcher) deployed overlooking the objective, whilst the other two combat squads started in their vehicles. These were placed out of sight behind buildings, but where they could easily move up to the objective. The dreadnought was deployed with them. The Land Speeders and assault squad were on the left flank, opposite the enemy Librarian and a combat squad. The opposing razorback was pretty much opposite the main force with a dreadnought, and his terminators started off in Reserve to teleport in later.
The assault squad advanced and wiped out the tactical squad, but were completely killed by the Librarian by turn 4, being whittled down bit by bit. His terminator armour was keeping him alive - and without the sergeant's power fist (wrong army!) the marines couldn't wound him.
The dreadnought was taken out eventually by the speeders, who then supported the attack in the centre.
The centre went to plan, with the APCs advancing to give mutual fire support and cover to the troops and dreadnought, and popping smoke if no targets were available. The terminators arrived on turn three right on the objective, but I was able to take them out with combined fire from everything else (plasma guns are useful...). Of the last two left on turn five, everything fired at them. Both speeders, 2 combat squads (inc missile launcher), Rhino. One died to the hail of fire. The other saved or wasn't wounded by any of the dozen high strength hits. Then the last two marines from one combat squad opened up with a bolter and a bolt pistol. 3 hits, 3 wounds and double-one rolled on the saving throw! Who says the humble bolt pistol can't be effective?!
So end of turn 5, I have three scoring units left, the enemy has the Librarian (non-scoring) so we leave it there as my victory.
Not a bad game.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
From the Front Line - Conflict South West 2007
After a draw in the first game, Matt and I were quite pleased with the result as I've played Grey Knights before and usually come off far worse. Man of the Match went to the Scout squad missile launcher for holding off a tactical squad of marines (plus Rhino) for three turns single handedly.
The next two games went mush worse for us, losing both games. Lucky Jim again earns a mention in the last game for not only ignoring the loss of the rest of his squad to the Demolisher fire, but for maintaining effective fire into the Imperial Guard line despite having the full-blooded marines around him break and fall back.
Also, the Chaplain and his assault squad earned their points in the second game finishing off two Eldar war Walkers and a two Imperial Guard squads whilst driving back the Eldar out of sheer fear.
Matt pulled back some semblance of victory by winning the "Best Painted Army" award. Well done!
Photos of Matt's work are below, along with the rest of "Battleforce Carrot". Honour badges and campaign markings (an inverted orange triangle) should soon be added to all troops fielded.
Dark Angels Force:
Ultramarine Dreadnought:
Ultramarine Librarian:
Ultramarine Scouts (Lucky Jim is second from left):
Ultramarine Tactical Squad:
Thursday, March 08, 2007
From the Front Line - Pimp my Rhino!
More useful, however, are the new Ravenwing sprues which are stuffed full of Dark Angel themed bits to add to the normal vehicles. So once the last of the bikes are assembled, it'll be on to the rest of the tanks and rhino APCs I already have to pimp them up with all the goodies.
Oblivion - Boris and Doris Pest Control
Are zombies overrunning your crypt?
Got a skeleton in your Aleid Ruin?
If so, we can help!
Boris and Doris Pest Control* offer a cheap, effective and above all discrete service.
We have several years experience and have not had one dissatisfied customer - in fact we are so sure of our service record that if you are not completely satisfied with the job we won't charge you**!
Contact us today for a quote. All jobs considered, no matter the infestation.
Come and talk to us at our office right here in Imperial City, Waterfront District!
* Boris and Doris Pest Control is an operation owned and operated by Zauna Exploration Inc.
** Items of value located in, on or around any corpse, whether part of the infestation or not and regardless of cause of death of aforementioned corpse are not included in the money back guarantee and will not be returned under any circumstances. The term "item" in this context may include (but is not limited to) jewellery, precious metals, precious stones, weapons, armour, gold coins, clothing, potions, alcohol, poisons, scrolls, books or useful day-to-day equipment. Any complaints must be made in person to our quality control officer within three days of exiting the location.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Oblivion - A day out with Boris and Doris
Zauna picked up the quest "Separated at Birth", which deals with identical twins living in different cities.
Once reunited, they tell of their farm and how they don't know where it is. So they ask you to find it for them. Being the kind hearted soul she is, Zauna wanders around town until she bumps into a retired adventurer who knows where it is. Great. So off to the farm we go. On arriving at the farm, yes, it's indeed there, so back to the brothers to tell them.
"Are the Ogres still there?" the sober one asks.
"How the hell should I know, I didn't hang around to find out," Zauna replies. "And what do you mean, ogres?"
"Could you find out for us?" the wimp asks. "Oh, didn't we tell you? Ogres killed our family - that was how we were separated."
"Thanks for giving me all the relevant intel, you prat. I could have been killed. But, sure, I'll do it. It's not like I have not anything better to do", Zauna says.
So back to the farm she goes. And Lo! There are ogres. Three of them. Time to report back to base. I'm not being paid enough to fight them, Zauna thinks.
By now the brothers are easy to tell apart, and not being too hot with names, Zauna has come to think of them as Boris and Doris. Boris is the one who goes "Duh...better talk to Doris". Doris is the one who can count past ten without removing a sock.
"We're idiots who can't handle a sword. Please go and kill the ogres!" Doris pleads. Zauna should have seen this coming. Boris walks into a wall, arguing with himself.
"But you have a warhammer strapped to your back, and Boris has a broadsword. Oh, he's fallen asleep again."
"We're idiots who can't fight. Please go and kill the ogres!" Boris didn't seem to hear her.
Back at the farm, and the ogres are dispatched. Hey, Zauna didn't say she couldn't handle them, just that she wasn't being paid enough to. Speaking of which, a quick check of the house itself shows that there isn't anything of value there. Ah well. The place is definitely a fixer-upper, and they are going to have to do something about the remains of the dead family before painting.
Boris and Doris are ecstatic at the news of being able to live in their old shack.
"I'm so happy to be able to go back to our family home!" Boris grunts.
"Take us there!" Doris asks.
"Can't I just give you directions?" Zauna asks.
"We're idio-" Doris starts.
"I get the idea," Zauna snaps at him.
Zauna turns and walks out of the inn where the brothers seem to spend all their time. This explains Boris' behaviour, as this was where he was originally found.
Turning around to get her bearings, Zauna jumps. Boris is gurning over her shoulder. "I'm so happy to be going back to our family home!"
"Doris, keep your pet away from me - GRAH!" she jumps - Doris is looming over her other shoulder.
"Is it safe to continue?" Doris asks.
"Not if you make me jump like that again, it won't be." Zauna replies.
"Just minute...are you guys going to follow me around like this everywhere I go?" she asks.
"I'm so happy to be going back to our family home!" Boris says.
"Is it safe to continue?" Doris says.
I think: They're going to follow me everywhere. They are NPCs related to a quest and so probably can't be killed. This might be useful. I save the game.
"Lads, I just want to visit that haunted ship in the harbour. Come along." Zauna decides.
"I'm so happy to be going back to our family home!" Boris says.
"Is it safe to continue?" Doris says.
"We'll see..." Zauna says.
Zauna, Dumb and Dumber creep into the ship. Using her "Detect Life" spell, there she locates two ghosts through the door to the left, and two through the door to the right. We'll go left first - three against two should be easy odds, even if they are crap at fighting, Zauna thinks as she draws he sword. "Okay boys, here's the plan. We'll go through the left door first - AND WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU BOTH GOING?!!"
Doris has taken his warhammer from his back and opened the door on the right. Boris has pulled out his mighty weapon and gone left.
Not the brightest tacticians, these boys.
Zauna dives through the left door to support Boris. Thankfully, it was his broadsword he pulled out, and he's quite happily hacking away at a ghost. The other ghost has already been dispatched. Usually ghosts aren't harmed by non-silver or non-magical blades. Interesting. Zauna lobs a fireball at the ghost, but clips Boris. "Whoops. My bad!" The second fireball finds it's mark and finishes off the ghost.
There's a scream, and a message that Doris is unconscious is displayed. Not good. Maybe they can die after all.
Running back through to the other room where Doris went, one ghost is down alongside Doris. The second is cackling in the corner. Boris charges in, and the ghost moves to meet him. Before the ghost can be killed, however, Boris gets back to his feet and clonks the ghost on the back of the head whilst it isn't looking.
"Nice job, boys. So you can both fight after all." Zauna says as she rifles through the storage trunks.
"I'm so happy to be going back to our family home!" Boris says.
"Is it safe to continue?" Doris says.
Zauna rolls her eyes as she finishes picking the lock on the trunk and pulls out a ruby necklace.
Back on dry land, Zauna turns to the boys.
"I'll take you back home, lads. But we're going to take the scenic route. There are a couple of haunted ruins, infested mines and goblin tribes I want to show you. Is that okay with you both?"
"I'm so happy to be going back to our family home!" Boris says.
"Is it safe to continue?" Doris says.
Zauna fights down the urge to cast another fireball.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Oblivion Lesson of the Day
Oblivion Lesson of the Day
Oblivion Lesson of the Day
Friday, March 02, 2007
Musings aside, one of the reasons that I have never really gotten into RPG on computers is that they are so linear. Take Zelda, for instance. It's quite clear that you have to go into the first dungeon. You find one route through, and a boss at the end. Killing the boss gives you a juicy piece of kit that gives you access to a new area. And so on. Even games like Riven, the only ones I have really played, are linear really even if they don't always seem to be.
As I've said previously, I only ended up with Oblivion because a couple of store staff said it was the best of the games on offer with the console.
Once I realised that the game was free form and it really didn't matter in what order you do things (or even, ignoring the main quest completely, as I have so far done) I was right back to the those early days at Uni. I, or rather, Zauna the Imperial, can wander around to her hearts content. She can follow up that lead about the Forlorn Watchman and see what that is all about. She could case the weapons store in Bravil to see if it is worth breaking in later that night. Perhaps she might go and visit the ruins to the north of the town that she past whilst escaping from the City Watch last night. In fact, if that highwayman is still around, she could try and recover the money he stole from her.
She is a bit of a klutz, sometimes (after killing the first mate that attacked her without warning, Zauna stepped back and fell off the quayside. By the time she found a way back out of the water, there were two additional bodies alongside the mate that were nothing to do with her)
She's not always too bright (after using a sheep for target practice with the newly aquired bow, she didn't know that recovering the arrows would be considered illegal, or that there was a guard watching her - which led to the rather embarrassing "getting fined, arrested and locked up for doing something illegal with a dead sheep" episode).
However she is a dab-hand at putting together healing potions for sale, and has helped several people around the Empire even if only on the "my house was repossessed, is there anything you can do" variety, not the "save the Empire!" kind - although that comes later!
I've only been playing for 24 hours real-time, or several weeks game-time, and already Zauna is taking on her own personality. Sure, it's a result of my style of play (or lack thereof), but the class options she made (Knight) and star sign (Warrior) are influencing that.
Back to Zauna...I'm able to choose my own objectives, and work towards them. At the moment, I've decided to buy some real estate, so am working my way towards getting a house in the Waterfront. It's small; it's falling apart, sure. But it means I won't have to keep sneaking into those two empty houses where I know the owners are dead (and only one of those was directly my fault - he attacked me first!). I was going to continue further with the Fighters Guild, but I'm having more fun at the moment working my way up the Thieves Guild hierarchy. And there is still that ruin I spotted last night...but not before I return to the Stranger to get my forged letter to sort out that darned watchman, Lex.
Part of the fun I have found is in getting completely sidetracked by something that looks or sounds more interesting.
And like I said earlier, Zauna's character is developing, even giving me some ideas about her history, including why she was locked up in that cell in the first place...