Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Renegade's Magic

It's here!

After seeing a post on the board that Robin's "Renegade's Magic" had been sighted on a bookshelf in Scotland, I had to head over to my local Waterstones and see if they had it on the shelves early.

Luckily, they did!

So far (Chapter three) it's good. No spoilers here :)



  1. Lucky Indy !
    *tries to steal it*
    GrR !

    Mm...Yummi booksies ! I'm hungry...Want to go to Hungaria, to Nevare's world...*sings*

    Enjoy the reading, Indy !

  2. Hmph. Stupid bookclub not advertising it until next month. Most unlike them, actually. But I've got to have a club edition, or it will be taller than the other two! Which would be terrible. So I can wait.

    *drums fingers*
