Friday, November 02, 2007

There are people worse than me...

I've had the comment made that I have way too much time on my hands that I spend on gaming, model making, painting etc.

For the record, I would like to point out that things could be worse. Much worse.


  1. Wow-- that is certainly someone with much free time on their hands, and it is also completely amazing.

    One of the comments down the page referred to "the forbidden art." What is that?

  2. I wasn't sure at first, but "forbidden art" refers to casting parts out of resin/plaster. Although it's perfectly legal to create your own casts for this, it is copyright infringement to create casts from someone else's work (e.g. a miniature, or building/terrain piece) to then produce your own copies.

    since there are a lot of people out there who cast to re-produce miniatures (someone was recently prosecuted by Games Workshop), casting is referred to as the forbidden art.

    At least, on the website with those pictures on.

    I hadn't met it before then!
