Monday, October 13, 2014

Idiot George

Yesterday George the Roomba decided to again test the theory that computer USB cables need vacuuming up*   He managed to unplug them and make it halfway across the room before they jammed his drive wheels, where I eventually found him that night.

I placed him on the kitchen counter after untangling him as I needed to clean him, but didn't get around to it.

Cut to this evening.

I enter my apartment thinking "I left George right-side-up.  I know he has sensors that stop him from falling off things, so I hope he isn't stupid enough to nose dive off the worktop".

No, he isn't that stupid.

He is, however, exactly stupid enough to decide the worktop needed vacuuming.

Luckily the only casualty was one glass, but even so they tend to spread nicely when dropped onto ceramic tiles.

It didn't take too long to sweep up the broken glass.

George is currently upside-down on the worktop awaiting cleaning.

*hint: they don't.

1 comment:

  1. I have had people working for me that are almost as smart as George. Ah, the joys of technology. We still don't have Artificial Intelligence, but but it looks like Artificial Stupidity is just over the horizon.
