Monday, December 26, 2005

It's Chhriiiiiiiiistmaaaaaaasssssss!!!!!

Phew. Another Christmas over. Well, not.

Christmas Day was spent playing Scrabble, trying to play Trivial Pursuit (wine seems to kill the brain cells…) and opening presents of course. Oh, and trying to dismantle anything in reach with my new electric screwdriver. (thanks Dad!)

The Christmas dinner was as good as usual (thanks Mum!) apart from the brussel sprouts (I told you they had to on the boil in April to be ready in time!) For once we had decent toys in the crackers. A little catapult game which was soon converted into brussel sprout (well, they aren’t good enough for anything else) launcher, or failing that a MLPS (Multiple Launch Pea System) before it was confiscated.

I hope all my friends out there had a good time too.

Best wishes,



  1. brussel sprout launcher!
    That's excellent Indy! Sounds like a very nice Xmas day! And I bet you'll be fine with Beloved's Mum. (but...maybe you shouldn't show her how to use the brussel sprout launcher...*winks*)

    [Confession : never taste brussel sprout.]

  2. I adore sprouts (even if I do ignore Sarah Kennedy's advice re cooking them). And I recently found out that they contain an enzyme that persuades pre-cancerous cells to commit suicide, so eating a meal of them even occasionally does you a massive amount of good.

    We bought far too many, though. Have a bag and a half of raw ones left. I shall be juicing quite a few of them along with my usual range of veggies of a morning. Scrummy. :)
