Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Dana, Sky...thanks. Thanks a lot. I really needed another excuse to sit at the computer.

Only kidding ;)

My fledgling library can be seen here.

I'm still adding books to it - it's scary just how many I seem to have here.

Oh, and to those adding books, a neat trick I found to speed up adding new books, saving you time typing in search terms etc is to create txt files of your ISBN numbers. Save, then you can upload the list.

Once entered into the system, it will take a while to locate the information for each book, but it's faster than going through them one at a time!


  1. Hee hee hee... Another one snared. *rascally grin*

    I know what you mean... yet another excuse to procrastinate at the computer. But a great one, you have to admit. ;)

    And I'm loving looking at everyone's books. A true virtual library at my fingertips.

  2. And I see Rian has also found the site!
