Friday, May 04, 2007

New toy

I succumbed and bought a juicer. My only condition was that anything I drink must be made from mostly fruit. Veggie-based drinks just do not appeal.
I've only had a couple of days to experiment , but have so far found the following:

Things That Can Be Juiced:
Squishy fruit
Squishy vegetables
Not-so squishy vegetables

Things That Cannot or Should Not Be Juiced:
Squishy Fruit with Hard Centres (anyone know how to dig peach stones out of brick work?)
Celery (you can juice it, but it tastes like crap)
Cfer the Neighbourhood Cat (won't fit down the pipe)

In addition, I have learnt that:

(a) You need a jug to collect the juice. The worktop doesn't work so well for this.
(b) Even oranges will fire back up the spout and hit the ceiling if one neglects to use the pushy-downy stick thing.

I'm working on a way to make (b) an effective missile defence system. But I'm going to need more oranges, and a long handled mop.


  1. ...I'm guessing, then, that you didn't get a low-speed unit like the Sampson that resides in Ata's kitchen cupboards.

    Ata's personal favourite unexpectedly good juice: Green apples, cabbage & ginger. Or, possibly, apple & red capsicum. Red apples are best for that one.

  2. Yay! Welcome to the Juice World. :)But you need a book to go with that juicer. Buy 'Ultimate Fast Food' by Jason Vale. It's by far the best juicing book I've come across anywhere, and will inspire you no end while teaching you how to juice awkward things like peaches. ;) Plus there are some divine recipes and an A-Z of fruit and veg with descriptions of their nutritional value and how to juice them.

    And not juicing vegetables?! That's crazy talk. The whole point of juicing is to up one's veggie intake. Trust me, if you're doing it right, vegetable juice is utterly delicious. But just bunging in some celery and carrot and hoping for something tasty isn't going to work. You have to get the fruit:veg ratio right. An apple and carrot base to any vegetable juice will make it delicious (apart from cauliflower juice... but we've discussed this before. I can still taste the foulness. *grimaces*). And celery is fantastic! I never make a veg juice without a stick of celery - it brings out the flavour of everything else. But obviously you're not supposed to drink it on its own. *rolls eyes*

    Ah, just go and get that book. Jason says it far more eloquently than I. The man is a juice god. I worship at his feet.

  3. Thanks for the advice, Sky.

    I meant I don't like juice drinks that contain celery. And I haven't enjoyed the drinks with veg in as much as those with just fruit in.

    However experimentation is continuing.

  4. Experimenting is good. :) You'll find the combinations that work just right for you. And also, your tastes do change as you try new fruit and veg combinations. You get used to that earthy sort of vegetable flavour. Extra apples are always good to sweeten things up a bit if a juice is still too vegetably.
